Saturday, October 15, 2011


I got the results of my thyroid test a few days ago and I currently have normal thyroid hormone levels.  I believe I can safely rule out any interaction between my thyroid meds and LDN. 

I told my doctor about the dry, itchy skin that reoccurs a couple of times a year and has done so since I was a kid.  Like most stupid doctors, he said I should use lotion.  Well, duh!  If this issue could be solved with lotion, I'd have done that years ago!  Finally, after itching like a crack addict in rehab for weeks, I went to my previous family doctor who almost immediately said that she thought it was an allergic reaction of some kind.  She said it could be a number of things and ran several blood tests to rule out other causes and to determine if I was having a histamine reaction of some kind.  I get those results on Monday and look forward to finally having an answer to the reason for my periodic full-body itching.  I do have pretty severe allergies and those with one autoimmune disorder, like my thyroid disorder, are prone to other autoimmune disorders, like allergies.  Hopefully, they can give me an antihistamine that will work better than the Claritin that I am already taking.

With regards to LDN, I think I will wait until this itching problem is cleared up and then start over again with my LDN experiment.

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